How to make business literature with impact

Have you ever considered what impression your business literature and resources make?

Is it crammed so full of information that your call to action is lost within the detail?

Do you find yourself constantly tinkering with the layout, yet somehow it just doesn’t seem to quite match up to how you can see it in your mind?

Tips & tricks to make impactful business literature

There are many design tips & tricks professional designers use to help you showcase your business at its best. Enabling the reader to consume your message at their own pace. Scanning through the content to the parts that interest them most before deciding if they want to find out more. We’re back to those all important impressions, and what sort of experience your literature is providing. Though sometimes seemingly insignificant, these experiences influence how your business is seen. What impressions are you making? How can you make your literature more impactful?

You can help your client navigate their way by:

  • using clear headings and sub headings
  • styling; use the different font stylings within your chosen typeface (regular, light, bold, italic etc. if available) to highlight key messages. Font pairings, select ones that beautifully compliment and offset each other
  • adjusting the amount of white space (gaps) between lines of text, individual characters
  • breaking up text with image content; photo / illustration / diagram / infographic
  • include an obvious call to action
  • less is more. Edit the text down to the essential essence of what you need to say, enough to intrigue their interest and want more
  • finally, provide ways for people to find out more information. Certainly include your contact details and website. Perhaps include a QR code that links to your key article or to book an appointment etc, or even tag that links straight through to your main social media (like the design project I’ve been working on with SUstainable – see a glimpse of the project over on my Instagram feed). Which option you choose will depend on what action you want your reader to take.

define the next steps

Signpost your reader to the one next step you’d like them to take.

To your brand adventure and the incredible experience you aspire to provide!

p.s. if you’d love to explore having your business literature designed for you instead – simply contact me

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale