Shape the future you want to see



On a mission to help change the world brand by brand

We have an amazing opportunity right now to really shape the future we want to see. So I want to share with you today 5 points covering tips, strategy and branding strategy insights as to how you can start to do this.


  • online – being that familiar voice
  • and in your everyday to day life – to listen, to be, and take notice of what’s around you

Through maintaining your presence online you provide your clients, team and network a sense of reassurance and stability. And through your day to day presence you are placing yourself in the best, refreshed position to respond and serve those who need you, whether clients or loved ones, as well as your own needs.

But how do you do this during a time of stress, fear and overwhelm?

Firstly it’s important to remember that we’re working in unprecedented circumstances in a world wide pandemic – so don’t be hard on yourself on days that you feel less than okay about things.

What we can do is focus. Focus on the things you can control.

For example, one of the current ways of effectively keeping in contact with everyone is online video meetings. However it is also becoming a source of fatigue and stress for many. Whilst great to see faces it also feels unnatural being on camera. Your brain is constantly processing and analysing information from a variety of inputs from the platform tools, notifications, various screens, body language, tone of voice.

So some tips to help you maintain focus and presence, in particular for the increasing amount of online meetings

  • minimise distractions:
      • select the speaker view rather than gallery view
      • hide your video preview screen from your view
      • avoid checking the comments box until natural breaks within the meeting or tasks
  • increase recognition and help people instantly spot you in a crowd by using your name and brand visuals
  • a recommendation from mental health first aiders is to adopt a ‘counselling hour’ for online meetings; which is 50 mins long, allowing you 10 mins to write up notes and process info
  • a big difference you can also make is introducing transition periods. Create breaks between tasks, meetings, as well as your working day and personal life. Make a cup of tea, stretch, go for a quick walk, do a household chore, or read something inspirational etc


People want human connection, lockdown has highlighted this need even more. Through the separation and physical distancing it’s actually bringing people closer together.

Providing an opportunity to sincerely share good will, personal insights, shared interests, messages of hope.

In terms of your content you can share:

  • good news stories
  • helpful tips
  • your safety precautions and processes
  • shine a light on your clients work
  • support your local causes and network

One great visual communication tool is video – which you can create remotely on your mobile phone, then share and repurpose. If you’re uncomfortable in front of the camera why not create a video montage of photos, testimonials, presentation slides, or instead share content as a simple animated text or moving graphic.

Presence and purpose go hand-in-hand in how you live out your brand and remain relevant.

So here are 3 steps to help you strategically start to shape the future of your business:


It sounds simple but its all to easy to forget, especially during unprecedented times like this. But it’s more important now than ever before to make some space amidst your tasks and responsibilities to pause and rebalance.

Find a space to be with your thoughts. Do something that makes you happy and restores that feeling of ‘you’. From here you’ll start to see things in a new light and create opportunities.


Think reflectively about:

  • how things are
  • were / what you’ve achieved
  • how you’d like your business and life to be

Here you can discover what’s in alignment and what needs repositioning to set you apart. Positive changes will come from these challenges we’re all currently facing and you have the opportunity now to really shape the future you want to see.


Short term and longer term

  • what changes would increase morale, wellbeing?
  • is your brand giving the right impression?
  • are your values and purpose being communicated in everything you say and do?

Use your brand story to filter your business decision making and forge your path forward.

One of the ways I’m working with clients through these steps is a brand audit

  • working directly with you to identify what’s currently working towards your vision
  • discussing areas out of alignment
  • and giving personal recommendations to help you reposition your brand

Longterm, a strong brand strategically builds relationships, recognition and trust. Generating a return on your investment in more ways that just profit. By communicating your purpose and values consistently, a strong brand increases the number of people you can reach and opportunities to help.

Making a difference in the world brand by brand.

Which takes us back full circle to the action: being present and purpose led in all you say and do.

Shape the future you want to see today

If you have any questions or if you are interested in how you can take your brand to the next level book your no obligation brand discovery call today.



Design: Becks Neale

Becks Neale is a Dorset Designer & Brand Consultant, working alongside charities, community initiatives and purpose-led organisations to achieve a brand they love and live, by distilling their brand story.

Design to tell your story.

© inkshed design studio

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