Is your business sending the right message? 

How to tell when it’s time to rebrand

Transformational results

Rebranding (whether a fresh start or refining and realigning your brand) has such a transformational impact on your business. Remember, your brand is in everything that you say and do, how it looks and how it feels. Your brand has the power to influence how the world perceives your services and your business.

  • Do you feel good about your brand?
  • Are you excited to share with the world what you do?
  • Are clients seeking you out?

Take the opportunity today to review your brand. Let’s take a fresh look.

Get your FREE ultimate brand checklist

The tell tale signs for rebranding:

‘Feeling’ is the key indicator whether something is misaligned within your brand and within your business.

  • Does your brand experience feel right?
  • Does working with your brand feel good?
  • What does the experience feel like for you, and your team, working with your brand; creating content, communicating with your clients, delivering the results?
  • How does your brand feel for potential prospects and clients?
  • Is there a part that’s inadvertently working against you and your brand values that could be turning people off?

The serious knock on effect when your brand experience is misaligned:

  • Losing sales
  • Struggling to retain good clients / suppliers / employees
  • Hard to attract the right clients / employees
  • Lack of confidence in talking about your brand

What can you do?

Let’s review where you are right now and identify how your brand feels. I’ve put together an ultimate brand checklist to help you identify where you are at with your brand, so that you can instantly see how your brand currently scores. And importantly, how to start to take action to elevate your business and brand confidence!

Get your FREE ultimate brand checklist

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale