Brand purpose alignment

Spring time feels like the official start to the year, with nature awakening from it’s winter slumber, fully restored and energised with the promise of the fresh year ahead. This makes it an ideal time to set your intentions for the year in alignment with your north star – the purpose that energises and motivates you to keep going.

Your North Star

‘The North Star (or Pole Star) – is famous for holding nearly still in our sky while the entire northern sky moves around it’. (

It shines due north – making it a strong, aligned analogy for your ‘guiding purpose’.

In a recent group discussion with fellow creatives about their north star, a common theme was centred around people and connectivity.

Some ‘north star’ words that came up are: family, children, friends, community, nature, wellbeing, connected, health, happiness.

Can you capture the essence of your north star in one word?

Why being purpose-orientated brings true alignment

In the same way the sky orbits around the north star, when your purpose is held as a constant at the centre of your decisions and choices, it guides your options and actions.

Having a purpose that’s part of something much bigger than ourselves has the power to change lives. Studies and Maslow’s hierarchy of innate motivational needs indicate that positive social impact creates higher job satisfaction and fulfilment.

Having this clarity and constant focus point helps you to:

  • spot opportunities and new avenues that are aligned to you
  • be authentic in your actions and words
  • meaningfully plan your time and use your energy for greater good
  • live your brand
  • attract your ideal clients and collaborators who share your values
  • work on projects that fulfil you and light you up
  • inspire change
  • ensure value and meaning over quantity

Download your purpose alignment worksheet to help you map out your north star and it’s significance to you.

Worksheet instructions to map out your north star:

  1. Write your North Star (your purpose) in the centre circle ‘N’ of your worksheet, together with words that describe how it feels when everything is in alignment. (Also importantly take notice of how it feels when your work is not in alignment).
  2. In the ‘R’ section, describe the Resolve you want to see – what positive difference do you want to make in the world. How will it feel when achieved?
  3. In the ‘S’ section, write your Skills and strengths. How can you uniquely use each of them to further your purpose
  4. In the ‘T’ section, write the Talents you need to surround yourself with to bring your resolve to fruition (collaborations/ connections / clients / further training…)
  5. In the ‘A’ section, note your core Attributes (your characteristics, values and ethos).
  6. Work your way back round your North S T A R to see if there’s anything else you can add.
  7. (Optional) – make a small hole in the centre by gently piercing through with a pen/pencil nib (rest your template along spine of open notebook to provide a bit of give).

Once completed, display your north star near your workstation as a constant reminder and focus. Then each day, week, month, ask yourself ‘what will take me closer to my North Star’

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale