How branding becomes your super hero!

Discover how to harness its power to overcome the top 3 fears that lurk in the shadows for entrepreneurs

#1 – Fear that you are not enough

This is one of the biggest fears to combat, because it’s something that is so innate inside each of us, stemming back to childhood. For instance, seeking approval from parents, teachers, peers, colleagues, managers. Or wanting to be the best at everything, but perhaps falling short in one or more areas.

Partly it’s there as a natural protective instinct. For example the desire to belong, to be part of a group. Subsequently, after a few knocks we start limiting our beliefs “if I expect the worst”, “I could never be like that” or “I’ll set my sights lower just in case” in an attempt to limit damage.

However, it doesn’t make you faulty.

Neither options are realistic or sustainable: “Jack of all trades and master of none”. In other words you want to be known for what you naturally do best. To master and use your key skills and gifts to the best of your ability. The last thing you need is that little seed of doubt inside, or to start comparing yourself to others.

How can your branding help?

It starts on a personal level by rebuilding your confidence. To shine a light on what you uniquely bring to the world. Focusing on your natural strengths, your purpose-led services and products, to inspire and empower you to create a unique brand experience that only you provide.

Having a professional, bespoke logo created to tell your story, will transform your values into something tangible and visual, that other people can connect with. It symbolically represents what you stand for. Your seal of approval.

The design details that form your logo;

  • typography
  • form
  • graphics
  • colour
  • style

are each meaningfully selected and skilfully combined to tell your story. Your logo is just one part of your branding. Your distinctive visual mark. It has the important role of setting the tone and foundations to turn your passion into your brand!

Identifying and understanding your brand assets can be overwhelming. You need to action them consistently. By using them within all your brand touch points, people will begin to recognise your brand voice and identity. Establishing your know, like, and trust factor, in an authentic, natural way. Making your purpose and what you are passionate about, attractively and authentically visible.

You are more than enough. So now’s the time to step into the light and shine!


#2 – Fear of Selling

Why do we fear selling? What does the term ‘selling/sales’ mean to you? It comes down to our experiences and what we associate with the words. You don’t want to come across as ‘salesy’ or ‘pushy’. For example, does it conjure up cold calling? It’s horrible for the person who’s honestly trying to put themselves out there, and it’s more often than not disregarded on the receiving end. You aren’t always able get through to who you need to speak to. Leading to instant barriers and disheartening results. So why have many of us put ourselves through this process? Because if we don’t tell others what we do – how will they know? How do we get our foot in the door? Could it be that lucky break?

Thankfully there’s another way. Instead, what if you could make your business authentically appealing, that your ideal client is naturally attracted to find out more? What if people see and aspire to your values and want to work with you? You can do this (and you don’t have to do it alone!) It starts with you, gaining absolute clarity on your values and all that you stand for.

  • What are you most passionate about?
  • What makes you shine?

But how do you communicate this?

This is where your branding powerfully comes into its own

Your marketing, branding, selling, products and services are completely interlinked – they are part and parcel of your brand. They are all ways you communicate and serve your clients.

“Absent the proper language to share our deep emotions, our purpose, cause, or belief, we tell stories. We use symbols. We create tangible things for those who believe what we believe to point to and say, ‘That’s why I’m inspired’. If done properly, that’s what marketing, branding and product and services become; a way for organisations to communicate to the outside world” Simon Sinek, ‘Start with Why’

As people come into contact with your brand you want them to experience a cohesive, core message from you. This can be achieved through brand consistency and positioning. Developing and establishing your know, like and trust relationships with people in an authentic way. During which they know what to expect from your services. They share your values. They’re interested in what you do. They look forward to finding out about your latest ventures. Subsequently they want to work with you.

Your brand also gives you the golden opportunity to create something incredible as part of your brand experience. Something that sparks curiosity. That delights or surprises your ideal client. Something that makes them want to tell the world about what you do.


#3 – Fear of pain / losing

This comes in all shapes and sizes. It could be in the form of rejection, failure, unexpected events, losing one of your key clients, an employee, a contractor. It can be such a powerful fear bringing the depths of emotions found in grieving.

Change needs to happen. It might for instance, be an indicative sign that something isn’t aligned with your values anymore. It might simply be a growth in a new direction, or change in circumstances, making it no longer the right fit. There are so many reasons why change happens. However, it doesn’t have to be a negative experience. Discover what you can positively take away from the situation:

  • What can you learn?
  • Ask for feedback
  • Develop new ideas
  • Is there anything your need to change?
  • What opportunities does it open up?

As entrepreneurs we place so much personal investment (not only financially but also physically in our time and energy) into serving our clients. We put ourselves authentically out there. Vulnerable to others’ thoughts, opinions and actions, which is all outside of our control. When something unexpected happens or you get a rejection, it’s important to remember that your service/product is distinctly a separate entity to yourself – to take a clear overview of the situation. It’s not always easy as you’re often intrinsically entwined, especially as a personal brand. But you need to remember that it’s not a personal reflection on either your ability, value, or worth. It can simply be ‘not the right fit’, ‘not the right timing’, or perhaps that it has run its course for now. Remember new opportunities are always around the corner!

How can your branding help here?

By making your values and your passion authentically visible within

  • your branding
  • your lifestyle

It inspires others; as you work together towards a shared vision, or similarly, as people see the transformation your clients achieve.

It’s very much about the journey. Building relationships. Importantly treating people (clients, employees, contractors etc) as individuals, with respect and honesty. Making them feel welcome. Valuing what makes them unique. You achieve a wonderful sense of belonging and team spirit. How amazing does it feel when you find like-minded people, your tribe, to share, develop, action ideas and fulfil outcomes?

Therefore, your branding can show people your best. As you build recognition, your brand will become known for what you do and for your innate values. You can make meaningful connections along the way of your customer journey to create a personal experience that they’ll want to share with others.


Contact Becks for a brand review.

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale