How charities can use design and digital assets to raise money and reach the public during Coronavirus

Yesterday, the government announced new regulations for the Coronavirus. One of those is social distancing; to cancel public gatherings, avoid all non-essential social contact, work from home where possible, and avoid gatherings in smaller public places like restaurants, theatres, pubs, clubs and cafes. With all of these necessary restrictions, it means charities do not have access to traditional community fundraising efforts (i.e. marathons, bake sales). But don’t worry. You can still raise money, increase brand awareness, and let the public know you are here to support people’s health, mentally and physically, and keep connected through design.

With today’s technology, raising money and reaching the public is easier than ever

Use illustrations and infographics to visually explain procedures to your entire organisation, volunteers, and the public in a down  to earth way. This is a versatile tactic.

  • It makes the public think of and see your charity as approachable. You’ve taken this extra design step to help the public and team members stay informed with the latest information. That is extremely impactful, especially when fundraising and volunteering efforts are called upon.
  • It shows how you are taking the right measures the government requires while you continue to support those in-need. This correlates your charity with positive emotions and thoughts, such as reassurance and composure. The public will now identify your charity as being present and keeping everyone safe during these times.

Also, it’s important to note, there are digital platforms providing visually impaired accessibility. This ensures no one is left out of your messaging, reach, and support. One of your marketing team members can do this in-house. That way whatever I design, everyone has access to your charity’s work, support, most up-to-date information, and news.

Let’s help reduce the fear by keeping everyone informed and connected during this challenging and isolating time of social distancing. Contact me to discuss your campaign and design needs.

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

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