How UK charity design continues to change due to COVID-19 – Part 1

When the coronavirus hit, charities quickly went into action. They altered their services to match the changing needs of local communities throughout the UK.

Charities started delivering food supplies and prescriptions to vulnerable groups. They created online advice and counselling services so people could receive help at any time across multiple devices. Age UK Kensington & Chelsea even began live streaming on Zoom their regular chair fitness classes to their elderly constituents so their audience could stay socially engaged, active, and mentally healthy throughout lockdown.

Additionally, when it came to working from home within their own organisation, charities embraced and taught staff and volunteers how to use new technology. Along with that, came the creation of further guidelines, policies, and training so the staff and trustees could use these platforms safely and securely. But just as important as firing up these new procedures, a charity has to communicate all of these different practices and key messaging to supporters, employees, volunteers, and the public through brand design.

Digital plays a big role for charities during COVID-19

Regardless of lockdown restrictions, humans want to feel like their part of a collective, even while self-isolating. They want to feel part of something bigger. They want that human connection and reminder that they can still take action by volunteering and helping others, regardless if they are in their own homes.

At first glance, this seems like an impossible task. It put a halt to traditional fundraising events and efforts. But by creating virtual events on Zoom and Facebook then it provides a solution for these challenging times.

One example of this is when charities host virtual pub quizzes or online games for donations or encourage their supporters and advocates to do the same for their charity.

On 1st of May, 2020, Jimmy’s Iced Coffee hosted its first ever virtual YouTube pub quiz benefitting NHS Charities Together #KYCU (Keep Your Chin Up). The virtual pub quiz raised £10,045.

A virtual pub quiz is one idea you can incorporate into your branding design as an appeal to supporters and corporate sponsors. You can ask them to host a similar event for your charity.

Post-crisis will see more online communities built around causes

The charity sector will change in a post-coronavirus era. It already has. So make sure your messaging, branding, and visual design matches these changes and stays relevant.

There is so much more to cover on this topic so keep an eye out for ‘How UK charity design continues to change due to COVID-19 – Part 2‘.


Image: Unsplash

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