
Exploring the source of the River Thames and its relevance to our brand adventures.

‘Source to sea’

It was such a privilege to join @elevatewithellie, Jonathan Passmore, and a group of inspiring walking companions for the first leg of their adventure to walk the River Thames from Source to Sea this year, a daunting trail of 232 miles.

The ‘official’ source of the River Thames, is found in the peaceful setting of a Cotswolds meadow called Trewsbury Mead, with the spring marked by a head stone with the words inscribed: ‘The Conservators of the River Thames 1857 – 1974. This Stone was Placed Here to Mark the Source of the River Thames’. The spring is surrounded by a ring of cream cotswold stones akin to a well. The spring was clear, with just the slightest of shimmer of movement, and its approximately ‘110 meters above sea level’. How incredible is that!

In the dips of surrounding meadows you start to see the beginnings of the river gradually forming, growing and changing pace as it navigates its course through, around and under a variety of landscapes and habitats; from grassy meadows, woods, small holdings, nature reserves, villages, lakes, floodplains, towns, cities, marshes, estuary and out into the North Sea.



Challenges on one adventure…

For the first part of the adventure we walked approximately 10 miles  — 10 miles of flowing conversation, reflection, being in nature, traversing challenges of deep muddy paths, navigation and drawing to a halt when we met the floods. We took to following the road, and the group managed to find a kind minibus driver to come to our rescue as the daylight was just starting to fade.

We arrived back with exhausted legs and feet, very muddy boots, new connections and perspectives, optimism, a sense of achievement and wonder, and a renewed appreciation for water — its power, the life it brings, its journey, recovery properties in easing tired muscles (enjoying a warm soak in the bath afterwards), and its vital importance to our lives every day.

…to the challenges on our adventures with our brands

The Thames River walk made me think of the adventures we each go on with our brands.

‘Source to see’

From our purpose; the pure source of what we do and why; and how our work evolves naturally over time (business model, project types, clients, services and products…), each with their own challenges; adjusting to the changing seasons (periods of growth, abundance, transitioning, restoration); connecting people and places near and far, helping them further their own adventures; new opportunities and collaborations as paths meet…each step bringing an aspect of our brand vision into reality.

  • What do you pack in your metaphorical ‘backpack’ for sustenance on your adventure? (Do you currently feel like you’re travelling light or weighed down?)
  • What do you really stop and take notice of along the way?
  • How is the pace you’re travelling?
  • Where has each path you’ve taken led you? What did you discover?
  • Do you take time to acknowledge, reflect and celebrate your achievements, the challenges you’ve circumnavigated, and how far you’ve come?


Nature taking over abandoned shoes to create mossy habitat

What do these mossy shoes make you think?

— ‘Litter’, ‘Nature at work’, ‘Art’, ‘A reminder not to stand still too long’!?

We came across these shoes along the leafy path next to the River Thames.

Perhaps a poignant reminder how incredible and creative nature is. These canvas fabric shoes were quite possibly causing an obstacle to the wearer (we certainly had sore feet at this point on the trail, even with wearing walking boots) perhaps causing their abandonment — though ideally they would have been recycled. They also then quite possibly became an obstacle to nature. However, nature didn’t let them stop it in its tracks. Instead, it repurposed them, making a vibrant, living, mossy habitat — undoubtedly for many inhabitants. You can easily imagine mice (and other little creatures) taking refuge from the rain and winter storms, tucked away inside.

Interesting pondering the different perspectives and taking a leaf out of nature’s book to reframe a challenge.


Transforming challenges into enriched opportunities

The challenges and obstacles you come across along the way can be transformational.

Firstly, you need to head back to your source (your purpose — why you do what you do) then look ahead to your destination (your vision — the world you seek to create). The next step is to gather together the key insights and truths to help you review and navigate the best route forward.

Perhaps you have a critical decision to make, or a new chapter to navigate; like bringing a new service to market or a change in management… Whatever your brand challenge, without insights you’re left navigating blinkered. And also likely stuck in paralysis mode procrastinating. (Remember those mossy shoes!)

However, with unbiased insights and fresh perspectives you end up with a full panoramic view (and might even discover a new pathway).

If you’d love a guide to work with you in navigating a change coming up in your organisation, an external consultant will save you time and bring you invaluable perspective and insights:

  • Drawing out truths by listening and refined questioning.
  • Creating a confidential safe space people can share freely share their lived experience of your brand.
  • Giving you tangible recommendations based on what the insights reveal.

Helping you and your team to confidently make intentional brand decisions and actions led by data and your brand purpose.

Take the first step to transform your brand challenge into an enriched brand opportunity book your free discover call.

And keep working towards your brand vision.


Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale