Defining your brand experience

Think of your business as a garden in full bloom – the beautiful colours, textures, scents… how does it feel to be there? What impression does it make? Ready?

Create a welcoming space

Refer back to your original drawing and purpose. (See Part 1)

  • Who is it for?
  • How do you want it to feel?
  • How should it look?
  • What must-have feature do you need?
  • What colours would work really well in this space?

Think about how you can tap into your answers to incorporate the different senses and connections. People retain information that has an emotional connection and associated feeling. Like a story, it makes an impression and makes it memorable.

The destination

You want to create a destination your ideal client loves to spend time in – whether that’s a physical bricks and mortar space, website, or blog etc. The main place you are leading your ideal clients to. Think about the ambience; colours, lighting, sound, style. What treats await? Think about valuable content, inspiration, time out to sit and reflect, maybe even a cup of coffee and jar full of biscuits to help them feel at home.

Sign posts

You also want to start putting out sign posts to direct them to your destination. This could be in the form of branded flyers, business cards, advertisements, social media posts in your key discovery platform, local online directories or literal signs etc. as well as being you, yourself living out your brand values. All the touch points your brand has. Make your passion authentically visible.

Tours and open days

Build awareness, inspire and educate with helpful top tips and by showing them how to get the most from the ‘garden’.

  • Perhaps a map of how you can help them get from A to B
  • Create a video to show behind the scenes
  • Make them curious to discover more
  • Beautiful graphics and imagery to showcase the produce and benefits
  • Testimonials or case studies to share the amazing results

Continue to inspire your clients, support and delight them on their journey with you

Depending on your service or product, this could be a beautifully branded:

  • Welcome gift
  • Welcome pack with all the info they need
  • Co-ordinated letterhead stationery (in paper form or digitally via email for all your correspondence)
  • Presentation pack/brochure (printed or digital) showcasing the plan, findings, result
  • Thank you note/gift

How can you add a unique personal touch to seamlessly tie in with your values and surprise your clients?

It’s about building a beautiful brand experience and clearing a path to walk alongside your ideal clients. Perhaps even creating an inviting seating area to help them linger longer. (If so think about the style of seating that beautifully matches your brand).

An inviting seating area

No two ‘gardens’ will ever be the same. Everyone has a unique combination of skills, talents and experiences. When sparked with purpose, this leads to the creation of a truly incredible space. An inspiring destination.

How can I help you to develop your brand experience? What do you need right now to help you get to where you want to be? Drop me an email – I’m excited to hear about your brand and project. I’m here to help you take those next steps with confidence and brand integrity.

bespoke design to tell your story

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale

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