Flexibility is the key to adapting your Easter brand design during UK lockdown

Easter is coming up and that is typically when we see brands use images and illustrations of families embracing, kids eagerly running around together for an Easter egg hunt, and large family gatherings. But brands recognise that sending out these visual messages is irresponsible during the Coronavirus outbreak. So they are being flexible and quickly adapting by providing images of hope, safety, and unity while still staying connected.

Cadbury’s Easter Ad has been pulled

The original 2020 Cadbury’s Easter ad encouraged human physical interaction amongst relatives. It showed a grandfather creating an Easter Egg hunt inside his flat, the grandkids showing up at his door to hug him, and it went on from there. But due to the current climate, Cadbury’s has pulled this ad and is now focusing on promoting social distancing during this time. They recognised how reckless it would be to show this ad. So they are creating a new ad and brand design centred on support, unity, and social distancing. As of today, the ad and new brand design has not yet been revealed yet.

BrewDog Brewery launches BrewGel, a free hand sanitiser to those in need

BrewDog Brewery saw a shortage of hand sanitiser happen across the UK so they decided to do something about it. BrewDog created BrewGel, a free hand sanitiser. The company is making the hand sanitiser and giving it for free to those in need during the Coronavirus outbreak. With this launch, the company needed to create new logos, product label design, and new visual marketing materials (i.e. billboards, social media content, etc…) to go along with this humanitarian campaign. By getting their support and message out to the public, it instantly creates a sense of encouragement, calm, and unity. It shows the UK vulnerable that they are not alone. People, including BrewDog are looking out for them.

This is the power of brand design. It gives people a significant boost in morale, physical health, and mental health. Take a look at your own charity or organisation’s design. Is it conveying what you want during times like these? Does the public know what you are doing to support them and/or the NHS? If not, let’s talk. I can create a visual brand design pieces for you and your marketing communications team. My work will reflect the accountability and support your charity or organisation wishes to convey to the public. It does change public perception. It also benefits the country as a whole, for the better.

After this outbreak, when things return to normal, the public will remember how you were there for them; thus, they will support you in return.

In this together.

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale