A recipe for happiness

Live your brand

Discovering your personal brand

It’s really important to take the time to find your personal brand to understand:

  • Who you are
  • What you are all about
  • Which values are vitally important to you
  • Your why, and what drives you
  • When, where and what makes your soul shine
  • How does happiness look and feel like to you

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to treat yourself? To take some time out to do something you really love to do?

How hard do you find it to identify how you actually do feel about something?

Or to answer the big question, “What would you choose to do today, if money and time was no object?” (No limitations, you could go anywhere, do whatever you wanted).

It’s a really tough question to answer. Your mind starts going through the different types of answers that perhaps you ‘ought to give’, as though it’s a trick question. Most of us struggle and simply answer with ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I’d not really thought about it before’.


Awe & wonder

Somewhere along the line our ability to freely imagine and explore sadly gets buried away. Perhaps due to the inevitable growing responsibilities and that age related concept of ‘growing up’. But what happened to that little 5 year old you and your childhood dreams? Back then the whole world was a playground full of colour, excitement and adventure. That sense of awe and wonder is still there, deep inside, where you’ll rediscover the power of imagination.

A good place to start, is by looking back at:

  • Past hobbies/interests that perhaps you’ve left behind due to lack of time
  • What you used to do in your free time
  • Favourite holidays
  • Who you really enjoy spending time with
  • Old photos (I love looking through our family photo albums, a moment to retell the stories, seemingly pausing life for a brief moment in time)

Another way is to step away from technology, to be in the moment. Spending time in the great outdoors. To feel small again against towering trees or beneath the expanse of dark sky filled with billions of stars all so far away.

Remembering those moments of happiness, and how they felt, what you could see, hear, smell, and taste can start to help you to refocus on what matters most to you. Help boost your wellbeing and get you back on your feet when things don’t quite go to plan.


Life values

Your core values reveal a lot about you, your character and personality. For instance, when one of your core values is undermined or threatened it compels you to step up and protect it.

Values are really significant. They are part and parcel of who you are. It’s something innate to you. They are also great connectors, rallying people to your cause or purpose.


Brave soul

In the words my little nephew adores: “Rabbits are brave, rabbits are brave” (Peter Rabbit)

You need to find your brave soul, be kind to yourself and to encourage yourself. It’s worth it for every ounce of doubt and fear you overcome! The development of your personal brand and the entrepreneurial journey is a roller coaster of a ride. It will be bumpy, there will be ups and downs, and twists and turns. When you do hit a ‘down’ or fall off, you need your inner confidence, that brave soul, to dust off, get back up again and keep persevering.

Be brave. Every step you take is a step closer to your vision.

Follow your aspirations.


Feels right

Always listen to your gut instincts. A great piece of advice from Leadership Specialist and Inspirational Speaker Paul Kinkaid: “If something feels wrong – STOP there and then. Re-assess, change direction, take the time you need until it feels right”.

The longer something lies dormant feeling wrong, the bigger it grows and the harder it becomes to resolve. But by stopping you can regain perspective and take control back of your life.

Navigate challenges and opportunities through your brand values to align decisions and actions with what matters most.


Feels good

It’s all too easy to get swept away in the excitement of an idea. There are so many opportunities. Again, use your brand as a compass. Assess if the opportunity, direction (or whatever the shiny object may be) fits your brand values and personality. If not, think again and don’t be afraid to say ‘no’.

To be at your best and happiest you need to work with people and brands you love working with. Those who resonate with your values. To work on projects that truly inspire you and that tap into your natural skills and talents.

Because when you do what you love, you feel good.

When you feel good, you bring your best.

And, when you bring your best you inspire others (and that positive effect just keeps rippling out).

Live your brand.


Creating meaningful brands and beautiful spaces

creating meaningful brands and beautiful spaces

If you’d love to work together to bring your brand to life, let’s schedule in a call to chat through.

p.s. For each brand foundation work booked during Spring/Summer 2021, I pledge to donate a tree to be planted with the National Trust’s ‘Plant a tree fund’ to help create beautiful green spaces for people and wildlife to thrive.

Together we can make a positive impact in the world, brand by brand.

Design to tell your story.


Images: Unsplash

Brand Strategy & Design to help you show up for what you stand for.

© Inkshed Ltd t/a Becks Neale