In Part 1, I explored what a brand focus word is and why I’d chosen the word green.
In part 2 we’re looking at:
Connection and balance
The psychological meaning of the colour green is one of harmony and balance between the mind, body and nervous system. It can be restorative, calming and de-stressing.
When things are out of balance
As founders, we are confronted with times of self doubt and anxiety. These moments can be hard to battle through without the right support in place. Feelings of self doubt and anxiety can be ways our body signals to us that something is misaligned, or something about the situation is making us feel unsafe. This could be caused by many things, for example;
- from trying to communicate with the wrong audience
- taking a wrong turn
- exhaustion
- overwhelm
- or too many options to consider that makes it hard to see the horizon etc.
These moments can draw upon powerful and painful feelings and emotions from previous challenges in life. Times where it literally felt like the ‘rug had been pulled from underneath your feet’. Where your world had been turned upside down. We’re only human, and as a founder we each have many roles to our name, both professionally and personally. We naturally want to be the best person we can be in each of those roles.
When things are out of balance, these feelings that can unsteady your course and slowly erode away at our self confidence and worth. However, through connection and balance, we can regain focus and reassess our priorities. View ourselves and our purpose through a fresh, kinder and compassionate perspective. To look to our north star and our vision.
You are enough – connecting with your story
Your story, and the incredible, vulnerable and tough experiences that journey has involved, is what makes you the right person to help your ideal client. That’s why the foundations of your brand always starts from your story. Helping you identify your uniqueness and put into words what you stand for as a brand, and the transformation in the world that you make. The brand adventure is one that transforms feelings of self doubt into confidence and clarity, for you and your brand.
The second step of the brand adventure is expressing your brand values and purpose both visually and tangibly, so that your perfect client knows instantly they’ve found where they belong and that you are the support they’ve been looking for.
If you are currently tackling self doubt and you only take one thing away with you from this post, I want you to remember this: ‘you are enough’.
Write it down on a sticky note and keep it to hand.
You are the only one who does what you do, with your unique experiences, blend of skills, values and personality.
You are enough.
“Courage starts with showing up & letting ourselves be seen” Brené Brown
(I’m currently reading Brené’s book ‘Daring greatly’ and finding it really insightful and inspirational – recommend following her work).

Connection and balance is also about self worth and care
The colour green is often associated with nature, and I truly believe that nature nurtures and nourishes us.
Natural space provides sense of freedom. I personally find that being outdoors; whether resting or hands-on working in the garden, taking a walk in beautiful green spaces, is my go-to-space to refresh and be in the moment. It’s a safe space to gain a fresh perspective, inspiration and approach for things, especially when life gets stressful or tiring. A green space to reignite excitement and energy. After all, the colour green does represent restoration, balance, new life and growth.
Some helpful ways to be in the moment:
- mindfulness (gratitudes, noting what you are feeling and your senses; scents, colours, flavours, sounds, textures);
- taking regular breaks to recharge
- walking in the woods
- sitting by open water, still or moving
- eating seasonally (its good for nature and for you)
- notice and concentrate on your breathing
- exercise / yoga
- mindfulness (gratitudes, noting what you are feeling and your senses; scents, colours, flavours, sounds, textures);
- bring nature indoors;
- try adding a window bird feeder to watch the birds from your office
- a vase of flowers or indoor plants on your desk
- look for natural textures and materials for furniture and furnishings in your office space
- add a landscape calendar or photos on your wall
- bring nature indoors;
- being outdoors;
- creating a space for nature (feeding and water stations / wildlife homes / rewilding a part of your garden
- growing your own fruit, salad and veg (window box, window ledge, allotment)
- visiting nature reserves
- being outdoors;
Why is connection important to your brand?
Through building a brand you’re creating relationships. It’s its own entity, and a lot of ‘who’ the brand is will come from the heart of you, the founder.
Your passion is part of your brand’s unique make up. It’s this authenticity and genuine connection we establish in the foundations of your brand adventure. From the solid foundations we go on to form the design direction for all your brand’s communications visually and also within the spoken and written word. It becomes the north star for your brand and business decision making.
The foundations of your brand adventure are an in-depth, connective and fulfilling process as it brings your brand values, personality and design style into alignment so that it communicates directly to your ideal client. At it’s very essence its an authentic alignment and connection of your head, heart and belly, it brings all of you into your brand.
Want to learn more about taking the first steps of your brand adventure? – contact Becks today
[…] In Part 1, I explored what a brand focus word is and why I’d chosen the word green, in part 2; connection and balance. […]